Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's Fer-real on acid, AKA friendly bacteria

Mabel: [screaming over loud music] So I know this guy, and he looks 8 percent like the guitarist.
Nancy: [confused] Wait, 8 percent?
Real Life Person List versus Mandatory Fun List

Megan: Um, the Mandatory Fun List is definitely ON something. Like growth hormones.


Mabel: So, she sleepwalks, and then, blah blah blah. Then she uh, yeah. So she's sleepwalking -

Megan: Can you just read it?! I don't want the cliff-notes, Mabel-style.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Laura: Yeah, this falafel place in Paris is amazing! It has these falafels with really big balls.
Flo: Big balls?
Laura: Yeah, big salty balls!
Laura: Big salty balls in hot white sauce!
Laura: Flo, we're about to graduate from college, and this is the type of jokes we're still making.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Maggie: Yeah I'm rarely ever on facebook.
Mabel: I like to get in a good poke once in awhile.
Maggie: [snicker] A good poke, eh?
Mabel: Yeah, I like to get in a good Superpoke.
Maggie: I wish I got a good Superpoke. By people other than you.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ugly: [in random-ass text message] Did you give me those fozzy bear socks?


[phone rings]
Maggie: [picks up] Fozzy bear.

".these kinds of relationships do exist outside of this apartment"..

[elevator door opens]

megan (from the stairwell): Hubby?

strange girl: yeah!

megan [walking back to apartment]: mabel?

strange girl (at the same time): betsy?

both: oh, um...nevermind...

[insert cackling]

Friday, April 18, 2008

googlyga: i've entered you in the curry eating contest


Ugly: ok gotta go take a shower
and a poop
me: happy pooping
Ugly: thank you
me: poop before you shower
Ugly: yes, absolutely
me: just some advice
Ugly: preaching to the choir
the poop choir

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Tarnima: "I don't wanna be seein' yo naked ass in the morning..."
Megan: "Then stop taking off my pants you lech!"
Mabel: "....I said in the morning.."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

B: Okay, I'll talk to you later.
Mabel: Wait, am I like on speaker phone right now?
B: No, why?
Mabel: Cuz I keep hearing myself echoing. Okay, whatever, anyway.
B: Put the crack-pipe down.

[insert horse laugh]

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It was 6, to be exact.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Minutes from the wedding

me: and me and megan made a complete fool of ourselves
Ugly: what, did u make out or something?

Megan's mother-in-law: You sung very well last night.
Mabel: [sniggering in the corner]
Megan's m-i-l: The first song. Not the second one. The second one, you were just having fun.


Megan: Why don't YOU go up and sing, you potato-face!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Megan: I'm gonna marry Mabel.
Megan's dad: I don't think Mabel would like that.
Megan: No, I'm gonna marry Artie.
Megan's dad: He's almost dead.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Flo: "Mabel Lee." An outdated first name and a Chinese last name. Now there's an immigrant if I ever saw one.
Telemarketing tactics

"Buy this NOW!! Or I'll hang up on you!"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ugly: went to walmart yesterday
me: did you buy a toothbrush
Ugly: i never bought so much stuff
i got one
AND toothpaste
me: that's good
what about a toenail clipper?
5:41 PM Ugly: yup
they kinda suck though
unless the first cut is kinda dull
i was struggling with the nail clipper
5:42 PM me: the first cut
like the first cut of your toenails?
Ugly: the first use on the new clippers
me: oh okay
5:43 PM me and my roommate are laughing at this conversation
Ugly: did u think i meant that i've never cut my toenails before?
the toenail conversation?
me: LOL
no, i meant the first cut with your new toenail clipper
Ugly: you guys were laughing at the blog?
me: no...just at you
Ugly: tell your hubby hi
me: haha
it's wifey
she says "hiiii"
Ugly: oh, you're hubby?
me: why yes, yes i am
Ugly: hmm
do you know how gay you guys are?
5:45 PM me: LMAO
says the lesbian
we are quite homosocial
Ugly: lol
hm that's a new one
me: okay...we're gonna go cook and then have sex
Like that dream when you realize you're naked...

Megan: [wearing same exact pair of pants] Why are my pants lying there?!

The MeeTimer

M: man i'm so lazy
all i wanna do is sit around and read for pleasure
Flo: lazy bum
M: or just vege
Flo: ew
why are we friends?
i'm totally motivated for school
Flo: i could never be lazy
M: lies and abomination
plz check your meetimer

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ugly: i can send you some lunch bags
Ugly: man i need so much stuff
every time i try to do something i realize i dont have what i need to do it
for example
i wanted to brush my teeth
12:36 PM me: okay that's like a basic tool
Ugly: lol
me: how can you not have a toothbrush
Ugly: i left mine there
Ugly: AND of course i dont have toothpaste
me: geez
what else don't you have
12:37 PM Ugly: feel like i need to cut my toenails

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yes, I Copied the Back of the Ketchup Bottle

Mabel: [reading the back of ketchup bottle] Ingredients: Organic tomato puree, organic sugar, salt, organic white vinegar, organic onion powder, organic spices. Made on equipment shared with wheat, milk, eggs, free nuts, soy and fish. Facility processes peanuts.

Megan: And toxic waste.

Razors behind the Duane Reade counter

Mabel: Why do they need to put the razors behind the counter?
Flo: Yeah, what are people gonna do, break in and start shaving other people? "I'm gonna shave you!!"
Mabel: And why do they have movies back there too? "Yeah, uh, can I get 'The Bee Movie....'"
Flo:" "The what?"
Mabel: "The Bee Movie....the one between Beowulf and um, I am Legend...."
Flo: "Beowulf?" "No, the Bee Movie..." "The WHAT?" "THE BEE MOVIE!! THE BEE MOVIE!!! Goddammit, you had to make me say it!! Are you happy now??!"
Mabel: Then he goes behind the counter and starts shaving people.