Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Eets not a duma."

Ugly: yo yo
mabel: watching the finals of "fama"!
it's the same as "so you think you can dance"
Ugly: does fama mean fame by any chance?
mabel: yep
the whole title is "fama.....a bailar!!"
Ugly: LOL
mabel: lol it is
what's so le funny
Ugly: do you remember a movie called Fame?
starring Jennifer Beals
you wouldnt remember it but may have heard of it
should have
mabel: hmmnope
Fame has an awesome theme song
you should look it up and listen
perhaps look on youtube for the video as well
mabel: haha really
it's a movie?
Ugly: yea from the 80s
mabel: ohh
like jennifer beals as in whatshername
Ugly: yea! :)
mabel: what is her name
Ugly: hottie mc hots
mabel: i was just gonna say that!
Ugly: lol
no way!!!
mabel: not hottie mc hots but
Ugly: lesbo
mabel: hottie
something or other
Ugly: Duma Tweens!
mabel: lol what's that
Ugly: that's arnold schwartzie saying Tumor Twins!
mabel: LOL
where did the schwartzenegger accent come from
and what is her name!!!
Ugly: there's some movie he made where he said, "Eets not a duma!"
mabel: LMAO
Ugly: heheeh
mabel: lol finally
you forgot yourself didn't you!
Ugly: no
mabel: hahah
Ugly: i was thinking you'd remember eventually
mabel: hottie mcbette

Each to His Own Amnesia

[at the metro station]

Mabel: You're gonna throw me into the trash can.
Javier: Every thing in its place, eh...every person in his place.

[later, looking and pointing at the map]

Javier: [in Italian accent] Paseo de Santa Mariiia de la Cabeeeza....Parque de San Isiiiidro......Antonio Looopez......

[discovering and pointing at Center for Patients of Alzheimer's] Bwaha -- Centro Día de los Enfermos de Alzheeeeimer.

Mabel: Bwahahahaha.

Javier: That's where I belong.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Name that Tune Skillz

mabel: have you ever heard of that song
all i wanna do isa :: bang bang bang:: and uh :: trigger:: cash register sound:: and take yo' moneh
Ugly: LOL
mabel: LOL
Ugly: NICE!
mabel: hahah have you?
Ugly: that was dead on!
mabel: heheheheh
yeah i like that song

"Don't say the Word" Game part 2

[the word being "cannibal", without saying eat, people, or person]

Jose: Okay, so, it's a thing...that I heard they do in for example...in African tribes.
Mabel: Okay...and it's strange?
Jose: No, no not strange... Okay, so one guy is dead. And it's what is necessary for the other guy to do to the other gay for to live.
Mabel: The other gay?
Jose: No, the guy, the guy.
Mabel: Hmm..
Jose: Or, you know the one time, with the football team in the airplane, and they were in the mountains?
Mabel: Football team in the mountains...nope.
Jose: Gah, okay for example, you -- have lunch.
Mabel: Uh huh...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Padel" Ball

Mabel: [after having played once, a month ago] Okay, so it's easier with two pairs.
Javi: Yes, it's easier with four people...but, you have to hit the ball.
Mabel: Bwahah, oh, you have to hit the ball? Well I must've mistaken it the last time we played.
Javi: Yeah, I forgot to tell you that part of the rules.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Haggis and Other Related Things

John: cows stomache is OK

not as good as the offal in haggis


Home-made sushi

Mabel: Well, it's not THAT bad...
Javi: It's not bad bad BAD bad....it's just bad bad.


Imitation British/ Catullus

Javi: [with look of bored nerd] That'th......utterly.....and abtholutely............... hilariouth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The only reason why a lesbian would be so excited to get her period: so she doesn't have to suffer the pains of menstruation while trekking through the Swiss Alps


Monday, April 13, 2009

Prepping for Eurotrip

Ugly: I got all my gear already. I even tested out the sleeping bag.
Mabel: Oh, how was it?
Ugly: It was good. I actually slept in it.
Mabel: Like for the night?
Ugly: Yeah, I put it on my bed, and I even zipped it all the way up and put on the hood.
Mabel: Bwahaha, what a dork! Did you open your windows to simulate a natural environment?
Ugly: No, I just slept in the nude. They say that's the best way to keep warm in a sleeping bag.
Mabel: Uh yeah, that or, wearing all the clothes you have.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Semana Santa Trip

Gigantic ice cream cone saga

At the heladería

Javi: [watching the man put scoop after scoop of cappuccino flavored ice cream into the "grande" cone] O my god, she's not going to sleep for 3 days. And I'll remember you for this.

Walking while eating gigantic ice cream cones

Mabel: [Tripping over a curb]
Javi: Thank God I'm here to save your life.
Mabel: You saved my ice cream cone, thanks.
Javi: No, your life, because you would save your ice cream before you saved your life.

Still eating after having licked off half the entire scoop

Javi: Now this is like the size of a normal ice cream in Madrid.
Mabel: Haha, half an hour later.

Still later, on a bench, finally having reached the cone

Mabel: So how do you like the cone?
Javi: I hate it. [talking to ice cream, taking bites intermittently] Why are you still here? Just get out of my life already, go away and leave me alone.

Still later

Javi: Mmmm, I'm really liking this ice cream...
Mabel: Aren't you sick of it?
Javi: Of course I'm sick of it.

Finally finished

Javi: We're gonna see the ice cream man tomorrow and you'll say to him, [spastically] "Mmm, I loved that ice cream! So good! I want another! I had sex with my boyfriend like 20 times in the last three days! Got rid of him. Really good method, I think I'm going to write a book: 'First, go to San Jose in Almería and buy the grande size cappuccino ice cream...'"