Friday, August 28, 2009

Or Claritin

Fernando: eyy, y tú has cambiado la foto
un poco cursi, no?

Yo: noooo
no es cursi!

Fernando: jajajaja

Yo: me gusta....

Fernando: un poco sí
la chica de las flores....

Yo: vale vale

Fernando: parece un anuncio de compresas


Fernando: Heyy, you've changed your photo
a bit cheesy, no?

Me: noooo! it's not cheesy! i like it.

Fernando: a bit yeah
the flower girl

Me: Okay, okay

Fernando: looks like a commercial for sanitary napkins

Thursday, August 27, 2009


on MIKA:

vanessa: "If we go to one of his concerts, I will slap the gay out of him."

overheard at the office:

gagan: "It's really hot right now."
bun: "I think you're just talking a lot."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spoons and Compasses

Ugly: let's play spoon game

on the internet.

Ugly: yes
my spoon says "get bub"
how bout yours?

Yo: it says "ugly is lame."

Ugly: lol
i thought it was going to say "get ugly"

Yo: haha um
"get ugly a life."

Ugly: oh oh
look, now it says
"who's the broke one at home downloading free music?"


Ugly: hey wouldn't it be funny if they invented a loser compass?
it would tell you who the losers are
hey why does mine always point at me?
it's broken.
am i talking to myself?

Yo: hahahahaha
mine always points northwest, apparently

Ugly: stay away from that direction!

Yo: yes, and keep all others there


Allison:[with all heated conviction] He IS selfish and egotistical! I mean, he was going to give us up in the spoon game!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Just like How Burning Candles Can Cause Cancer

While watching a movie scene in which someone is flying a remote controlled airplane

Dad: You know, those are actually really dangerous, you can lose control of the airplane and crash it into yourself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Bitter Angry Ex Synonym Game

Ugly: bitch.


Ugly: trash bag.
dum(b)p trunk.

Yo: hahaha


Yo: hahahaha
i like dump trunk

Ugly: compost pile
fly food.

Yo: landfill

Ugly: hefty sinch sack

When the Heater Guy Comes to Town

:::Loud violent banging:::

Me: O my god, I'm gonna KILL someone it's so loud.....
... like the heater guy.

Ugly: Bwahaha, go right to the source.

When asked to be co-chair of the Lesbo Organization

Ugly: I'm not an organizer....I'm not even organized!

And to spend eternity with the vampires in Anne Rice's novels

Ugly: come out and partay w/ me!
i'm doing a half marathon this sunday

Yo: awww
that's cute
i should come up there
you know, all my problems in life would be solved by 1) teletransport
and 2) immortality

Ugly: hm
what would immortality solve?

Yo: my desire to live forever.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

toilet humour

Flo: I always lean forward when I take off my pants.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Allison: YOU were piss-ass drunk while I had to deal with your needy-ass ex-boyfriend! You owe me one Mabel!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Don't Just ASSUME Things.

Mabel: i updated CL again
i think you'll find it very amusing

Flo: is it the convo we had just 2 seconds ago?

mabel: hahaha no no

When Ugly Gets Stuck in Traffic

Mabel: Are you going to this After BBQ Party? Apparently I'm attending.

Ugly: "Apparently, I clicked the 'I will attend' button on Facebook."


What is your husband doing right now?
Mom: My husband is-a ngun ngun gurk.

The Discovery of Gender Identities

After telling her that RY friended Flo on Facebook:

Ugly: Tell Flo to refer RY to me!! Tell her to use the friends' referral.

Mabel: Haha, we should form a "We Touched RY" group.

Ugly: "Touched by RY." MMm, I would like to touch Feist.

Mabel: Yeah yeah yeah me too!

Ugly: If there were a gay scale, with 10 being the most gay and 1 being the least, you would be a 5.


Mabel: No, there should be one scale for sexual orientation and another for masculine and feminine.

Ugly: Okay, so on the gay scale, 10 being gay and 1 being straight, I'm definitely a 10. You'd be like a 3 or a 4. Bwaha! And then on the masculine-feminine scale...male being zero, since y'know, they're zeros...

Mabel: Bwahaha, amen.

Ugly: ...just like straights, HAHA..and straight men then are zero, zero. Double zero. Bwahaha! I'd be about a 7.

Mabel: Okay, so if you're a 7, I'd have to be an 8.

Ugly: Hey, this isn't a relative scale here....we should make this a facebook quiz and send it to everyone!

La bitch.

Megan: Ugh, God should've made me a dog. I mean, he's already made me a bitch.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We Have Contributed the Siesta

Ugly: Wait don't Europeans have passports each from their own countries?
Bub: No, they all have the EU passports now.
Ugly: Oh, really, didn't know that.
Bub: Yeah, isn't that weird? How all these countries suddenly are "the European Union." I mean, now even the Spanish are considered European.
Ugly: .....Bwahahaha!