After telling her that RY friended Flo on Facebook:
Ugly: Tell Flo to refer RY to me!! Tell her to use the friends' referral.
Mabel: Haha, we should form a "We Touched RY" group.
Ugly: "Touched by RY." MMm, I would like to touch Feist.
Mabel: Yeah yeah yeah me too!
Ugly: If there were a gay scale, with 10 being the most gay and 1 being the least, you would be a 5.
Mabel: No, there should be one scale for sexual orientation and another for masculine and feminine.
Ugly: Okay, so on the gay scale, 10 being gay and 1 being straight, I'm definitely a 10. You'd be like a 3 or a 4. Bwaha! And then on the masculine-feminine scale...male being zero, since y'know, they're zeros...
Mabel: Bwahaha, amen.
Ugly: ...just like straights, HAHA..and straight men then are zero, zero. Double zero. Bwahaha! I'd be about a 7.
Mabel: Okay, so if you're a 7, I'd have to be an 8.
Ugly: Hey, this isn't a relative scale here....we should make this a facebook quiz and send it to everyone!