Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Name Is...Wha?

email from vendor:

"Dear Mangan,

We have posted the files you need to our FTP site...yadda yadda yadda...

If you anything else, please let me know."


[insert unpronounceable Burmese name here]

Monday, November 23, 2009

Another Week in the CL Life

Me: Wait, what kind of curry do you have?
Susie: The kind that's like powder.
Me: Ohhh, okay. Then you're gonna need some coconut milk.
Susie: What's curry look like anyway? I mean, is it a seed, a leaf? What does it look like in nature?
Me: Hmm, I have no idea.
Susie: We're like so far removed...
Me: Haha, from what curry really is..
Susie: I mean from nature in general. 'What does a chicken look like?'


In line to buy a Twix bar

Me: It's weird, I'm always hungry. I just had lunch around 3.
Susie: But that's like 4 days ago!
Me: Bwaha!
Susie: I mean, haha, 4 hours...
Me: Actually for me, it WAS like 4 days ago.


Ugly: I went to this "art show" which was really like this burlesque thing...they had a fat, ugly, naked guy on stage being jacked off by some woman.
Me: Ewwww, wtf!! Are you serious?
Ugly: Yeah, and I was already pretty drunk by this point.
Me: Wait, what the hell! So did he have an orgasm on stage?
Ugly: Uh, I don't know actually. I was too busy trying not to vomit.


Ugly: hennyvays
no more drama please
i'm done
Yo: i have enough bad lesbo drama watching the L word
Ugly: but this is good lesbo drama!
it's real!
Yo: ugh
in all seriousness i'd rather watch the L word
at least it's got a variety of hot sex
Ugly: hahaha
Yo: and not within the same group of 3 people

Monday, November 16, 2009

twue wov


me: FAT. bahahaha. ♥?

Bun: no

me: ♥♥

Bun: NO NO

me: as the japanese say it, rab rab

Bun: woops

me: raab

Bun: didn't mean to do caps. that's too hostile

me: it's too bun.

Bun: L(


me: is that a foot? kicking my arse? b/c the proportions...they're not right

ruinous ruin

hubby: speaking of korean things, have you seen a movie called "old boy?"

me: hmmm nope it does sound familiar, though ... is it a korean remake of a japanese film?

hubby: nope, i don't think so. it's absolutely amazing. you should rent it sometime if you get the chance...but watch it with a hubby-replacement cuz it's kinda creepy

me: what are you talking about? why would i want to spend the whole time prying someone's hands off their face??

Meta-meta CL, from the time of its birth

Yo: i like how i go over it again and laugh like 3 times at everything
do you have any funnies stored up
googlyga: hehehe gchat!
go check
Yo: gchat?
googlyga: go check the blogggg
Yo: ohh
which blog?
googlyga: i'm gonna kill you.

Chinese Food with White Folks

Yo: i went to eat dim sum with javi this weekend
it was pretty good. as usual, i had to eat all the chicken feet
Allison: hahah
or u could just not order the chicken feet
then u wouldn't have to eat all of them
Yo: yeah but he wanted me too
Allison: haha oh
Yo: he even ordered duck feet
Allison: ew
did he eat the duck feet
Yo: and then he's like, "there's....skin on it..and bones"
no lol
Allison: hahahah
Yo: i'm like i'm not eating that
Allison: what'd he expect to find on there?
Yo: hahaha
he thought it was gonna be like all the others, wrapped up and bite sized
Allison: haahaha
Yo: "i thought it was gonna be like dim sum"
"uh, that IS dim sum"
Allison: lol
Allison: he wanted duck feet dumplings
where he can't see feet
yes, exactly
duck feet dumplings
duck feet ha gao siu mai

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brown People Land

Yo: googoogogogol
googlyga: moooshy
didja get my email of yesterday?
didja get my english lesson?
Yo: hehehe, what english lesson!
yes i did read your email
and did you write me from your crackberry?!
googlyga: ugh
jes, from the train
to see mommy
who is leaving the country
i am slightly incapable of speech
Yo: where is she going
googlyga: to the land of the brown people
Yo: hahahaa
googlyga: god; it's slightly mad
the whole house is full of knicknacks and little thingies to pack for people over there
Yo: hehe, like gifts?
googlyga: i feel like i am in a department store...for asian people
Yo: hahahah
googlyga: full of things only asian people would like
like giant pencils that say NEW YORK
googlyga: with a skyline of boston in the background...
Yo: statue of liberty keychains
googlyga: that are actually of the eiffel...that sort of thing
Yo: heheh
googlyga: electric razors. handheld camcorders. i want to tell my poor parents that these things are probably smuggled from the homeland in the first place
Yo: lmao



Yo: oh, wifey, you know where this convo is going to go
Yo: heee heeeeeeeee
googlyga: the annals of cordially, lucifer
you decrepit woman??
(i love you?)
Yo: hahahaa
yes, the annals indeed
googlyga: you mean your other blog
Yo: the true blog of my heart
googlyga: the one in which you write funny things that...oh, wait.
Yo: the one and only devotion i have
my kidney, really
googlyga: you and your memory =P
::ominous absence from conversation:: can only mean one thing
i am hearing the theme from JAWS
while you update the blog


the inthanity continues...

googlyga: vanessa thinks we are a pair of freaks
and she says "thinks?"
Yo: heeheee
oh man...what a laugh
wait, did you write a comment on the latest post?
ohh hahah
i see it
googlyga: nooooo the comment on the sing sing cackle cackle post
Yo: i never noticed it til now
googlyga: which is identical to our convo just now
Yo: yeah, it is really
googlyga: which is identical to every conversation
Yo: lmfao
googlyga: ...but maybe more succinct?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I always knew there was something about the jamon...

Yo: but it's ridiculous sometimes how dumb 1st graders are
Ugly: lol
what did u expect?
Yo: today the teacher was doing a writing exercise and told the kids to flip their books upside down, so they couldn't see the list of words
and they had to write in the opposite column the words as she dictated them
and instead of writing on the first line, almost all of them wrote on the last line, and upside down and in reverse
and they just COULDN"T write rightside up
and the teacher was just so infuriated as to how they were so confused
it was the weirdest thing
Ugly: how could they write on it if it was upside down?
Yo: it was just a blank column
with lines
and on the other side was the list of words
but they got confused by that so they were all writing upside down and reverse as well
Ugly: lol
Yo: like, even after she said, write H A T in the FIRST LINE
10 times
Ugly: sounds fancy
Yo: even wrote it on the board
they were STILL writing that way...like, twilight zone
and all 3 classes did the exact same thing
Ugly: hmmm
well maybe the instructions need to change
like they need to be shown what to do
Yo: they WERE
Ugly: if everyone did the same
Yo: and the teacher said they never had any problems with this exercise last year
also, i've seen some kids have a weird form of dyslexic-ness
like they see a word, and they write the mirror image
rather than what they see
Ugly: oh my
Yo: so they see cat, and they'll write t a c, but with the letters all backwards
Ugly: dont drink the water
Yo: haha
Ugly: you're witnessing the beginning of the fall of the spanish
Yo: hahaha
mirror-image writing!
will be the downfall of spain
Ugly: a whole culture taken down by dyslexia
Yo: hahaha
Ugly: or as we now call it, mirror image writing
Ugly: a special form of dyslexia
Yo: is that a form of dyslexia?
Ugly: very special
Yo: lmao
Ugly: lol
it's caused by swine
eating of swine
Yo: omg, the jamon!
Ugly: jamon
no more bocadillos!
Yo: damn the bocadillos!
Ugly: thank fucking god
no more bocadillos


Allison: what are boacilos
wow i left like 5 letters out of that
u get the gist

This is what kids do to you...

Me: So, been listening to any good new music lately?
Ugly: Mmm... not really. Oh, just the soundtrack to "Where the Wild Things Are."
Me: Ohh, is it good?
Ugly: Yeah. I sent it to you! Did you read the email? We were talking about this last time, don't you remember?
Me: Uh, not really.

[five minutes later]

Me: So, have you listened to any good music lately?
Ugly: ....

Monday, November 2, 2009


Taking the Name-The-U.S.-States-&-Capitals-Quiz:

roomie: Arizona's capital is...ooooh...eh, i can't remember.

ego: (makes caw-ing bird noises)

roomie: little hawk?

ego: hmm...was featured in the title of a recent Harry Potter book

roomie: ...Azkaban?

So...where is it again?

googlyga: and the COLD
Yo: what's the temperature over there now
googlyga: eh, not terrible. around 13 degrees C
but sooooo cold in our apartment
Yo: eeek
cold cold
googlyga: i just talked to our landlady 'cause we live in a slum
Yo: what happened
googlyga: ahahah it's freezing! and kind of pathetically funny...since our heater is so scary
it smells like it'll burst into flames
and sets off the fire alarm.
i can't fart in peace
it'll explode
this is brought to you courtesy of BUN
Yo: hahahaha
it sets off the fire alarm??!1
lol holy shit
lol it's kind of funny but it shouldn't be
googlyga: i know! i can't even be that angry
'cause it's too good of a story.
that time i almost died a la "the little match girl"
Yo: hahahaha
do you have a heater in your room?
googlyga: noooo, not yet. i'm going to get one this weekend
seeing tarnima too =) i'm so excited!! i'm making her a big batch of truffles to cheer up the medschool blues
Yo: aww
she's been really busy
wait so where is your heater now?
googlyga: it's in the store
Yo: the one that sets off the alarm?
googlyga: haha, nope that's the one that's in the house
it came with our apt.
but we're too scared to use it
Yo: but where is it
googlyga: FREAK
this is a special ed convo
Yo: hahahaha
googlyga: i just re-read this
Yo: i just wanna know where your heater is!!!
the fiery furnace one!!
googlyga: every other line is "...so where's the heater??"
Yo: lmao
i' got the hots for it
no pun intended
googlyga: so funny, lady
i hacked up a lung laughing. bun is very amused.
so our crappy heater is in my room
but i unplugged it.
am getting a new one to plug into the wall sooooon
but seriously, this one is a GAS electric one
there's a huge flame going off
Yo: hahahahaha
yeah my other lung is out
that's what i asked you in the FIRST place!
if the heater was in your room

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Le Deener

Me: So, I started out with this new bottle of oil, and I used this much today.
Janet: [utterly horrified look] What??!! What are you making me?!


Marc: When I was in Mexico, there was this girl from South Carolina who spoke Spanish with a southern accent. So she'd say "Ver-dayad" and one time she said "Ah got all mah tin-eyrs confused." (tener = to have)