Friday, September 23, 2011

I need to be on facebook

Steph: Did you know that Rachel's engaged?
Daniya: What? How come everyone here knows? Congrats Rachel!
Allison: It was on facebook
Rachel: It was like two weeks ago too..
Daniya: Oh Ok Tonight I will make a facebook account. No wait, tomorrow I will make a facebook account. Tonight I will drink!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Age of Hacking

Evil Spambot, to Megan: Hi googlyga what have you been up to? Do you want to make some money with me? Reading this store will be the best thing you've ever done! I thank God that I found this opportunity!

Megan's response:

arre, you jerk, your account has been hacked!

bahaha, the first two lines sound kind of like you, though. nicely done, internet spambot.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OBX Headliners: All Play and No Work


Brooke: You guys are always trying to be ahead of us!
Bub: ... We're not "trying."


Ching is doing charades for the word "wheelchair"

Phil: Skiing! .... Crippled skiing!
Someone else: Wheelchair!
Phil: See, I was right!


Me and Ugly are playing pattycake with our feet in hot tub
Phil: This is like, Special Olympics pattycake.


You Just got Phil'ed

Bub: Oh hey Chris, still not asleep?
Chris: Yeah...I decided I was gonna take a break from the debate.
Bub: Hehe, Hurricane Phil just struck...again.
Chris: Yeah, specially when I faced it ALL BY MYSELF last night.


Richard: Okay, um....this is a Thursday in November.
April: Thanksgiving!
Richard: Okay, yes, and on that day, what do we celebrate?
Ching: Pilgrims!
Richard: YEAH!!