me: ooh wendy's
i had spaghetti
i ate spaghetti every day this week
1:02 PM
Ugly: how frugal
me: why is it frugal
1:03 PM
Ugly: why have you eaten spaghetti every day this week?
me: cuz i'm trying to eat carbs
Ugly: it's also very inexpensive
1:04 PM
me: so? should i eat expensive carbs?
Ugly: i didnt say that
apparently frugality is just a byproduct of you trying to eat carbs
carbs are cheap.
me: >:(
1:05 PM
you're a byproduct of carbs!
Ugly: lol why does that upset you?
me: lol cuz you're calling me frugal
1:06 PM
Ugly: so?
me: and i usually bring my lunch every day anyway
it's usually either pasta or a sandwich
Ugly: what's wrong w being frugal?
1:07 PM
me: i dunno, sounds like a cheapo
Ugly: and i only assumed you were eating pasta bc to save money because you've been saying you want to be on the mom budget.
and eating spaghetti every day is exactly in line with living on the mom budget.
bc she does that.
1:08 PM
me: lol
i'm trying to eat more calories
Ugly: but since saving money wasn't the reason, forget i said it!
me: well i bring my lunch every day anyway
Ugly: you said, "i ate spaghetti every day this week."
1:09 PM
i already knew you bring lunch dailyi.
1:11 PM
me: yeah but how would eating spaghetti every day be frugal as opposed to bringing rice
or a sandwich
1:12 PM
Ugly: mom always has spaghetti at home
sandwich you might have to buy
rice you have to put stuff on
spaghetti only requires sauce
9 minutes
1:22 PM
me: loll
and meat!
well that stuff you put rice on would be at home too
1:24 PM
Ugly: but that would be as frugal as just eating spaghetti with sauce
1:28 PM
however, spaghetti with sauce is two steps up from ramen.
21 minutes
1:49 PM
me: no i put stuff on my spaghetti
1:50 PM
Ugly: lol
i think we've come to the end of this convo.
1:51 PM
me: you started it!
and i will finish it.
i like spaghetti, it's not just pasta and sauce. that's poor man's spaghetti
1:54 PM
Ugly: good.
now we can move on.
5 minutes
2:00 PM
me: LOL
this convo is joining the ranks
i definitely ended that convo with a bang
infamous phrase that will be repeated throughout history
Ugly: if you say so
2:01 PM
me: lol i'm being sarcastic.
Ugly: your sarcasm didnt translate over IM
2:02 PM
me: whaat
how could you read that as anything but sarcastic
i mean that convo is joining the ranks of absurdism
5 minutes
2:07 PM
me: herroo
2:08 PM
Ugly: herro!
2:10 PM
i felt you felt you had defended your spaghetti cheapo debate excellently so i had reason to believe you felt that "i like spaghetti, it's not just pasta and sauce. that's poor man's spaghetti" were words that will live on.
me: LOL
2:11 PM
this convo is going into CL
Ugly: lmao
me: lmao
omg i'm shaking with silent laughter
Ugly: me too