Monday, December 1, 2008

Mabel: (over the sound of dishes being washed) Man, I need some digestive cookies.
Christina: What cookies? Oh, like the little choco cookies?
Mabel: No, like those fiber cookies that the Spanish people love.
Christina: What? You need five more cookies?
Mabel: No, (turning off the tap) you know those digestive fiber cookies they have here?
Christina: No.


Mabel: Oooh, do the tigers have names?
Javier: Yes, this one here is called "Don't mess with me or I'll kill you" and this one is "I'll kill you anyway."


Mabel: Can you pass me the albornoz?
Javier: You like the albornoz better than me.


Flo: mmhmm
haha saying mmhmm is so easy
i just have to tap two keys
i could eat a hot dog with my left hand and type mmhmmm with my right

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