Friday, January 9, 2009


john: Oh had half a dozen eggs reappear in the fridge, Vega had used them!!!

mabel: haha that's funny, she used your eggs

john: whats so funny

mabel: it just is for some reason

john: this place may be one of those places, what yours is mine and what is mine is mine

mabel: hahahaha
but did she not realize those were your eggs

john: don't know, but hey there is now half a dozen eggs in the fridge

mabel: but you didn't talk to her about the eggs

john: so i can cook myself a vegie omlete over the weekend woohhhhhhh
no I didn't talk to anyone other than you about the eggs

mabel: hahahahha
this conversation is getting funnier and funnier

john: yes and all we are talking about is eggs


john: Or even comment on the new book by M Lee - How to get a man by thinking like a man

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