Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Optimism Interspersed with some "doobie-dahs"

me: i went to get a blood test today, and i forgot to give them my urine sample
Ugly: doobie dah
doobie dah
doobie dah
me: which i had to carry, because you have to buy your own urine cup at the farmacy and bring it
Ugly: ew
me: omg i just spelled pharmacy with an f
Ugly: awesome
me: anyway
Ugly: haha
me: so i forgot to give it to them, so i was carrying pee all day
Ugly: :D
me: and now instead of complaining that i have to go again tomorrow, i'm thinking how funny it was that i had to carry pee even though it really isn't funny, it's annoying.
Ugly: :)
that is hilarious


Janet: super sucks though
that u have to go back
dont u have to get new pee
me: haha i know, grahhh
i have to empty it out...and pee again..
i guess i'll do it again tomorrow morning just to be safe
Janet: so hilarious
me: jajaa
Janet: bc it´s ridiculous
me: jajaj i know right...

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