Bo: So this guy stopped me on the street today and was like "Hey!" and I was like "Uhh, hey." Then I kept walking and he was like "Hey hey!" And so I turned around and was like "Oh, hey..."
Flo: Bwahaa, uh, was that really actually the conversation? "Hey," "Hey", "Hey hey!" "Oh, hey"...
Bo: Bwahahaha, well almost.
Flo: That was like, no substance at all.
Bo: AKA, hitting on people.
Beer´ed out
Bo: So I woke up in the middle of the night and was really thirsty so I went into the kitchen to drink some water. I just took whatever glass and poured Brita water into it...and as I was drinking it I was like...this tastes like beer, did this glass have beer in it??
Flo: Bwaha, can´t believe you crawled into my bed right after I left.
Bo: Yeah I was kinda tired of being in fetal position all night.