Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lady Gagan

googlyga: bo!

me: googly!!
lol so, there´s this really annoying indian we met last week whose name is gagan
we met him through some other friends and we hung out and the whole group exchanged numbers
so, he had been calling javi this weekend, and javi didnt´pick up


me: then, one morning javi was like
"how did gagan get on my skype?? did you add him? did he stalk me on facebook??"
and i was like um...that´s megan.
he was so confused and worried hahahaha

googlyga: gaaahahahaha
i love it

me: bwahahaa
i was cracking up

googlyga: i told you! everyone who i meet whose name is gagan is someone i hate. and a man.
syntactical trouble with that sentence somewhere, but you get me.

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