Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I shoulda just copied the entire convo, etc.

.... (15 minutes into a heated debate)
me: yeah, but the original scrabble game tested your own knowledge of words
12:23 AM
you couldn't try CID, or SID, or TID in the same spot, because you know they aren't words

but in WWF you think one of them might be accepted

Ugly: but that's just the convenience and ease of an electronic game

me: because it might be in their weird dictionary
12:24 AM
Ugly: ultimately, winning the game is about strategy and not about word knowledge

me: but it's infuriating when someone wins with stupid words that you know they didn't know were words

Ugly: it's more of a strategy game in its electonic incarnation

me: it's about strategy AND word knowledge

Ugly: but that's how you play this game
12:25 AM
honestly often are you able to make words that are beyond standard vocabulary?

me: yes.

Ugly: *how often

me: it tests creativity, word knowledge, and strategy
12:26 AM
Ugly: yes

me: some ppl aren't good at this game because they are able to imagine what words could come out of a bunch of letters

they aren't able i mean

Ugly: but winning requires more strategy than word knowledge

cuz i know a lot of words, but i don't often win over ppl who play using strategy

me: right, and those are the ppl who plug the must
12:27 AM
and use words that aren't really words

Ugly: lol

so what?

me: they def. wouldn't win if you played a real scrabble game

cuz they wouldn't be able to put CID in there

Ugly: yes, i agree.

i guess i've just accepted it as a different game than scrabble

me: i'm just defending the integrity of the original scrabble game

Ugly: i realize.

me: lol
12:28 AM
Ugly: it's very noble.

me: hahah


you should challenge one of your competitors to a real game
12:29 AM
Ugly: that would be difficult

but yea

good idea.

i've basically thought of one comopetitor whom i can physicaly challenge in the same room

me: okay who

Ugly: kat

i see her often
12:30 AM
me: yeah, you should def. challenge her to a traditional game

and use the oxford english dictionary

Ugly: and when do u play wwf?

me: when i'm using your ipad

Ugly: i mean, you play wwf?

me: or your iphone


Ugly: btw, do u have my ipad?

me: lol what??


uh, no

did you lose it?
12:31 AM
Ugly: well, i dont think so

but i havent seen it in a while

me: why would i have your ipad


Ugly: cuz ya stole it

to a foreign country

me: btw, did you steal my ipad and take it spain with you

just, by the way

Ugly: right

me: lol

yes, that's how i play wwf

Ugly: lol
12:32 AM
me: lolol

"when do you play wwf?"

"when i'm using your ipad....which i stole"

Ugly: lol

me: how could you lose your ipad

Ugly: i didnt lose it

it's misplaced somewhere

i haven't even used it

me: lol, somewhere in the last 6 months that i was gone
12:33 AM
Ugly: yes

me: hmm


Ugly: very

me: lol

Ugly: i would be happy if you stole it at this point
12:34 AM
me: haha aww

that would be weird

Ugly: a little
12:35 AM
me: "it fell into my suitcase"

Ugly: haha

me: "didn't remember til now"


me: yeah, i shouldn't

i'm gonna die a spisnter


when i'm 35 i'll go to the sperm bank

Ugly: lol
12:53 AM
me: you can be the other mother

Ugly: hahaha

me: heh, or what that be kinda weird...

Ugly: *looks around

me: would

Ugly: ok.

me: lol you looked around?

Ugly: yea a little

me: you mean, the sarcastic look?

or you looked around the room
12:54 AM
Ugly: no it was the look with a shrug that says, sure whatever.

me: hahah

Ugly: comical because it's not the nonchalant reaction you should expect

me: not quite sure if i see it

Ugly: nevermind.
12:55 AM
me: but isn't that look nonchalant

Ugly: i'm explaining my own joke.

it is nonchalant.

it shouldn't be.

me: is it the

look around, mouth turned down, kinda resigned look?
12:56 AM
Ugly: lol


not resigned

me: like the rudy suggesting lunch kinda look

Ugly: it's the,

me: "well, uh, let's see, uhh...."

the heavy-lids, calm exasperated look


Ugly: i look up from reading an engrossing book because you asked me trivial question and now i'm going back to my book look
12:57 AM
me: lol, well depends on the question

Ugly: o_o

me: hahahaha

oh, oh is it

12:58 AM
Ugly: _

me: that?

Ugly: no

less expression

me: lol

Ugly: o_o

me: but that's the sleeping look

is it a bored look?

Ugly: yes


me: but it's really sarcastic exasperation?

Ugly: LOL



me: hahaahha

Ugly: i hate this conversation.

me: but that's how i see it

12:59 AM
when you have your bored look

it's really sarcastic exasperation

Ugly: lol

you know too much about me
1:00 AM
and yet so little

me: hahaha

what do you mean!

i don't know little about you
1:01 AM
it's the after you burp face

Ugly: lol

1:02 AM
me: am i right


Ugly: i dont have a face after i burp

you do though

me: yes, you do

and i'm sure it's the same as yours

Ugly: lol

me: you just don't know it

Ugly: well i've never seen it

me: yeah, that's normal

how is my after burp look?
1:03 AM
LOL "i don't have a face after i burp"

Ugly: lol

me: well how does mine look

is it bored?
1:04 AM
Ugly: it's just.....

i dunno

me: fat
1:05 AM
Ugly: it's grossness followed by slightly sheepish don't-give-a-fuck-eat-my-burp-ness
1:06 AM
me: pwahahaha

Ugly: you should video it and play it slow mo

me: well yours is the bored "i don't give a fuck" look

Ugly: lol
1:07 AM
well, that's the face i had

when you asked me to be "other mother"

me: lol you should've said then ::bored look::

instead of ::look around::
1:08 AM
Ugly: those were stage directions


that's just what happened

me: lol, so it's like bored look in combination with look up and then down again

or is it look back and forth

Ugly: and the

looking around to see if anyone else noticed the mundanity that i just experienced.
1:09 AM

me: lolol you mean with your own look?

or with my comment

Ugly: with your comment

me: haha why is that mundane!

that's not mundane at all.

Ugly: of your comment

i know!!!

it's irony!

or, just a comedic tactic
1:10 AM
me: okay, well you'll just have to show me this on video


me: le bye!

btw, i'm gonna copy part of this convo on cl

Ugly: hahaha

me: pwahah!

Ugly: ok

me: def. cl material.
2:17 AM
Ugly: lol

me: another existential convo

Ugly: the absurdity of our convo


"adventures in absurdism"

me: so absurd it's profound

there should be a section in cl called that

Ugly: "tumor twin adventures in absurdism


me: bahahha

profound adventures in absurdism

brought to you by the tumor twins

Ugly: lol

that's too long.
2:18 AM
me: that's gonna be the title


Ugly: but it's absurd

me: lolol

well, first, we talked about the rules of WWF for like 80% of this convo

and then about the "look around" stage directions

for like the other 20%
2:19 AM
or, more like 60 and 40

Ugly: no first you ambushed me and ranted about how you think 70% of the world is insane for being in relationships.

me: lol no not 70%

Ugly: you dont know that.
2:20 AM
me: okay fine

but that was after the WWF convo

which ended with an equally absurd "do you have my ipad" comment

Ugly: no it wasnt


2:21 AM
me: made even absurder with the btw preceding it

Ugly: hahahahahah

me: lolol

oh man

this is turning into like, the meta-absurd

Ugly: yes
2:22 AM
me: lolol

Ugly: wonderful

having an absurd conversation about our absurdity
2:23 AM
me: pahahahah

omg, dude, spanish ppl would never understand this.

or, any non-spanish ppl.


me: lmao! "70% of the world is insane for being in a relationship"

"no, not 70%"

"you don't know that"


that is absurd in itself

Ugly: lol


me: disagreeing over an arbitrary number

Ugly: lol
2:25 AM
an arbitrary number used to assert a bitter claim about relationships
2:26 AM
as if it were truth

me: hahah

i didn't say 70%!

Ugly: ok fine

me: i said everyone

you invented the arbitrary number

Ugly: i was making an abitrary paraphrasing of your bitter claim
2:27 AM
me: lolol

2:28 AM
okay, bed time

Ugly: ho boy

me: you should re-read this convo

Ugly: lol

oh i will


me: for a further study of the absurd
2:29 AM
Ugly: lol

me: bye!
13 minutes
2:42 AM
me: i am le back

Ugly: lol!!!!
2:43 AM
me: lol

is that absurd?

Ugly: i'm cl to see if you'd already excerpted our convo

me: hahaha

no not yet

Ugly: yes this IS absurd!!

me: i'll do it tomorrow

Ugly: because you are back.

for more.

me: i'm bored

Ugly: and i'm on cl trying to get more.
Ugly: to keep laughing about our laughing about ourselves

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