Sunday, August 29, 2010

And more partying...

(Mom at dimsum is using her own pair of scissors to cut up food)

Bub: She's still cutting stuff up.
Ugly: It's her hand now.
Bub: Mommy scissorhands.


Christy: Wait, how did you break your phone this time?
Ugly: It drowned. In a bag of water.
Christy: A bag of water? Wait, this is sounding more stupid each time.


Ugly: So how much weight did you lose?
Nicole: Well, according to my gynecologist...

(cue 10 minutes of laughter)


Ugly: (about turning off the lamp) You have to hold both balls at the same time and pull.


Bub: Oh, it's the crappy song that I like.
Ugly: can you think it's crappy if you like it.
Bub: It's like loving a prostitute.
Ugly: She'd have to be a pretty special prostitute for you to love her.
Bub: Or maybe you're just a special man.
Ugly: Why, yes, yes I am...


(at 10 in the morning, after partying all night)

Nicole: Ooh, look at the trolley! Can we go ride the trolley?? Oh, cheesesteaks!! Can we go get some cheesesteaks before you take me to the salon??

Ugly: ......I dunno if we have time.

Nicole: Do we have time?

Ugly: No I don't think so..

Nicole: We do or we don't?

Ugly: WE DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Bub cracks her shit up)

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