Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jamiel: Somebody should definitely quote that.
Flo: There's a special blog for things like that. And it's called Cordially Lucifer.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Flo: what an exciting election!!
i'm gonna pee my pants

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barry: Your bed feels like a lumpy haystack. Like somebody stuffed it full of hay.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Time to Pok

David: do you have everything arranged?
Yo: yeah pretty much
David: if you have problems, or you need something, just let me know
i have friends in Madrid
Yo: i just need to start packing
David: i can not help with that :D

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Train Routes

Mabel: Yeah, how was getting home last night?
Flo: Well, the F didn't turn into a G train this weekend.
Mabel: I love how the New York transportation system has us saying things like that.

The Mercury Lounge

Mabel: Doesn't the word 'encore' sound like it's evolving into 'wonton'?
Flo: "Wonton!! Wontooooonnn!"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Drunken Strawberries

Megan: So all the attractive people should stay and all the ugly people should go?
Mabel: Haha, yeah.
Megan: ....Um I'm sorry, but I have to sleep here.


Megan: I think you should try to open up your breathing passages a little more so it won't whistle so.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The German Music Upload Site

Yo: is there enough space on there
Ugly: not much space left
Yo: okay i'll download them all soon
Ugly: i think i'm learning to read german
Ugly: Speicherplatz
means "space"
Loschen is garbage
Ugly: MediaCenter is media center

It's Been Outed.

Yo: do you like my latest superpoke
Flo: you threw a TV at me?
Yo: they made me do it.
HAHA i love your new status message on fb
now cordially lucifer is finally out in the larger public
Flo: it's come out of the closet
who made you throw a tv at me?
Yo: the undefinable "they"
like the government
Flo: ohh i see

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Bounty of Soy Products

Flo: They'll have Soy IPod...and Soy IPhone. For the health-conscious hipster. And it's even half the price of a real Ipod. You can even eat it. That's how multi-functional it is.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friggin' Hipsters

Mabel: if you are tall and skinny and have wide shoulders please do not wear a small white t-shirt and tight jeans. it is just so obnoxious.
Flo: lol
we should make that into a t shirt
a small white t shirt

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Flo: God, I don't care anymore! Obama Schmobama! Phelps Schmelps!
Band chick: "This is the most attentive sound check ever, thank you."

Best part of the night: "Check, check, check, check, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch- CHECK, check - AH AH Ah ah ah AH AH AHHH."

"Shark and the tiger. Wanted to walk together. But the shark couldn't get out of the water."
Flo: What does that even mean? It's like not deep. Maybe it's about environmentalism.
Mabel: I think it's about the incompatibility of different species.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mabel: Don't you wish people wore umbrella hats?
Barry: Jewish..people?
Mabel: Haha, no, don't - you - wish..
Barry: Ohh. I thought you said don't Jewish people wear those umbrella hats. I was like, yeah, they're called yamakas.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Flo: Why would you wanna use pumpkins??


Flo: Oh, Hillz, you got screwed over by another cheating man!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Age of Anti-Tech

Flo: my mom just called me about computer problems
yo: lol
"control whaaa? C?? B??"
Flo: LOL
B! B! B!
yo: hahaha
Flo: hahahaha
yo: BBBBB!!!
oh, e!
Flo: LOL
Megan: [knocking Mabel on forehead accidentally] Oh I'm sorry!! That sounded really hollow!

"Mmm I love food."

yo: watchu been up to lately
Jamiel: hmmm boring stuff
mostly just eating
gaining like 100 lbs
yo: yeah i wanna gain 100 lbs
Jamiel: hehe
yo: be HUGE
and eat like 5 meals a day
Jamiel: mmhm
i wanna take a vacation
yo: yeah i know
Jamiel: and i want a raise
so i can EAT MORE
yo: hahaa
Jamiel: 100 MORE lbs
yo: LOL

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Life of a Chipmunk

Flo: you should eat with us
but your kind of food


Allison: at least your face is fixed for now
i mean your teeth