Thursday, November 22, 2012

Of Cats and Babies

Me: George is 76 years old! He's like a senior citizen who has no manners. Always begging for food.
Ugly: Yeah, he has no inhibitions anymore.
Me: And Pela too. She's like an old woman.
Ugly: She's a cat lady!


Me: (waving over baby's head)
Ugly: (looking at doorway) Who are you waving at?
Me: The baby! He was looking up in the air.
Sam: Yeah, I thought you were waving at someone over there, too.
Ugly: I thought you were waving at Helen.
Helen: (from across the room) I even responded.

Monday, November 12, 2012

All he wrote in the message was a thousand x's and o's

(looking at old school photo on fb)

Ugly: That's you?
Me: Yeah, it doesn't even look like me.
Ugly: Who's Cat Kat?
Me: I dunno, some girl from school.
Ugly: Oh. There's "Roo Woo." Who's May Maybelline?
Me: Bahahaha.
Ugly: Lol, what the hell is up with these names?


 Ugly:  still home?
 Sent at 4:38 PM on Monday
 Ugly:  george, is that you?
are you on the computer?
dang cat is on the computer again.

Ugly: He was writing to his penpals.


(stepping on Zoey's bone)
Me: Ahhhhhhh!!!! 
Ugly: GWAhahahahaha.
Me: Dude, that bone is a hazard to humans!!
Ugly: She's plotting our destruction!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Scary Movie People Problems

(watching confusing Korean horror movie)

Dad to Killer Stepmom: Stop it. I'm tired of this.

Me: Stop killing my children. I'm tired of you always murdering them.

Finally, GasX and Chapstick

(drinking wine)

Bugly: Mmm, this wine is so good. Why didn't we open this yesterday? It's so refreshing.
Sam: Yeah, it is good. Doesn't even taste like I'm drinking wine.
Bub: (picking up and looking at GasX ingredients label)
Sam: Baha, you're like, "Hm, how does this pair with GasX?"

Monday, October 29, 2012

Not ALL of that was me.

Ugly: Bahaha, this was the search history on this iPad: get rid of gas and bloating fast, causes of gas and bloating, gangnam style, obama battleship, what to eat before a race.

Friday, October 26, 2012

More Adventures in Absurdism

Ugly: do u get emails from Catbook?

7 minutes
1:58 PM me: lol yes
2:00 PM loll the question should be...why is catbook emailing me.
 Ugly: lol
  they sent an email with subject:
  want to see the oldest cat in the world?
  i'm like, oh man, i do....
2:01 PM but i dont want to click on this email
  cuz i have to work
2:02 PM me: lolll yeah i got that too
  i didn't really wanna see the oldest cat in the world...must be gross
 Ugly: hahhaha
  is it....
 me: LOL
  okay let me click on it
2:04 PM lol it's a 39 year old cat named lucy
  damn she's living longer than most people
 Ugly: omg
 me: i hope george lives that lon
 Ugly: is she meditating in the photo?
 me: lol noo she looks kind of disoriented though
 Ugly: hahahaha
 me: lolllll
2:05 PM she looks healthy however
  omg this is yet another absurd convo
2:06 PM Ugly: lollll
  now i want to see this cat
2:07 PM me: lolll
  it's just a head shot
  well plus it's body
  part of its body
2:09 PM Ugly: hahahahhahhaa
  'She appears to be the genuine article.' A spokesman for Guinness World Records said there was no entry for the world's oldest cat.

Halloween Headliners

Sam: Yeah, I feel like there's a goth club somewhere in Philly. It's down this weird alleyway.
Bugly: Ohh yeah, we could totally go to a goth club.
Kat: It's like this underground scene.
Miki: ......I'd go mini-golfing.


Samantha: we have to hype up our 3 person event
8:38 PM me: hahaha yeah, what will this event consist of
 Samantha: a haunted house, a halloween party, and it will end with you running
Ugly: i had a pulled duck bbq sandwich
  it was crap
  i swear only asians know how to cook duck
 me: yeah it's true
  it's cuz they hang it up in those windows
  that's the key to good duck
1:24 PM Ugly: hahahahaahhhaah

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Men and Retail

Me: So when are you gonna install the new laptop??
Javi: I'll do it soon, I just haven't had time to get to it lately.
Me: It's probably, like, broken already.
Javi: Pwahaa, yeah, it's already become obsolete in the week that I've had it.


Javi: Oh, what about this one? The "Kling Shopping Bag."
Me: Mmm no. It looks like what my mom would call a "chicken stealing bag."

Deep Conversations, Cont'd

me: shoobie da doo
4:52 PM Ugly: it's shooba dee doo
 me: no it's not
  not if you say it fast
4:53 PM Ugly: it still is
 me: it's definitely shoobie tho
  no shooba
  cuz you say shoobie doobie
4:56 PM Ugly: i think we're talking about 2 different things here
4:58 PM me: fiiine
4:59 PM Ugly: lollll
 me: we shall agree to disagree
  so meaaaan
 Ugly: you're mean
 me: you're mean
  okay, gotta go
 Ugly: bye

Of Cars and Fuzzy Slippers

me: you stopped responding to my texts!
 Ugly: what have you don with fuzzy slippers?
Ugly: how long have you had your license?
me: lol
um maybe about 5 or 6 years
Ugly: oh thats good
and it's clean
me: yeah
as in no tickets?
Ugly: right
or accidents
me: um i might have an accident
but that was before i ever had my license

me: where are you looking at this car?
  are all the jettas stick?
12:21 PM Ugly: it's in princeton. he's meetinig me at my work at 5
  and then we're going from there
 me: ohh i see
 Ugly: no not all
 me: wait, who?
 Ugly: ching
 me: ching?
  ohh i see
 Ugly: i can't buy a stick w/o him! lol
 me: hahaa
  why not
 Ugly: cuz i cant drive it!
 me: ohh but are you thinking of buying it today?
 Ugly: i cant go on a test drive no knowing how to drive it
12:22 PM me: buying a car you can't drive..
 Ugly: *not
  well i see it as a challenge
  it's on my bucket list
 me: well would you put it under his name or my name?
 Ugly: buying a car i can't drive check!
 me: lol this guy is gonna be so confused
 Ugly: lol!!!
 me: LOL
 Ugly: i think your name would be good
 me: only person who can drive it isn't buying it
12:23 PM Ugly: hahahaahhaah
 me: girl who wants other guy to test drive it isn't buying it
 Ugly: well they dont have to know that
  they dont care
 me: girl who can't drive either manual or automatic is buying it

While watching Homeland

Bugly: Man, this terrorist is like not tough at all. He's already giving in to bad music and extreme air conditioning.

On Zoe's farts

Bugly: Omggg, It won't stop. It's like those motion-sensored Glade air fresheners. 


Sam: i'm hungry
  i was living off my fat today

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hardy bargling, cont'd

(Talking about Halloween costumes)

Ching: Don't be a smurf! You'll get stuck with blue skin.
Bub: Oh yeah, you were a smurf last year right?
Ugly: You were a sperm??

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Spinsters & Co.

Bub: I don't think i could ever fulfill my full potential as a human being sharing my life with another person
1:53 PM Ugly: hm
  seriously deep thoughts
 me: yes.
 Ugly: with bub
 me: lol
  i'm serious!
 Ugly: i know you are.
1:54 PM wouldnt be the first i've heard of your spinsterish hopes and dreams

When the Bub Strikes Again

Bub: Do you want an orange?
Allison (talking to someone else): Don't try to fool me.
Bub: I'm not trying to fool you, I'm just asking you a question.


Allison: How do you say "Israel?"
Ron: (Says "Israel in Chinese)
Allison: Okay, what about the Netherlands?
Bub: Are you guys playing fobby games?

Friday, August 10, 2012

"Those don't seem to be....good traits."

me: heeee
  i prefer the lay's West Indies sweet chili chips, please.
11:45 AM Gagan: oh those also!
11:46 AM we are truly similar in our keelings. even of chips.
11:47 AM me: and in our cockroach-detesting indifference to mice.
11:48 AM Gagan: heheh
  that's quite eloquent.
11:49 AM "cockroach detesting indifference"
 me: that should be one of the answers to the "Name that trait in a guy you love most with a particular letter" game
11:50 AM er it should be cockroach-detestingly indifferent
11:53 AM Gagan: tee hee no!
  WHO will kill the roaches, then.


me: oohh
  i woke up at noon today.
 Ugly: wow
 me: i need to ask google how to sleep less
 Ugly: what a life
me: let's see...
3:35 PM Ugly: lollll
  exercise more
 me: i exercise every day
  i'm just a really lazy bed person
 Ugly: what does that mean
 me: i can't get out of bed
  when it's really comfy
3:36 PM Ugly: me too
 me: so i just keep sleeping
3:37 PM lol i like how i ask google everything
  even for relationship pointers
 Ugly: that's really funny
 me: lol
  google is God.
 Ugly: and philosophical questions
  like why are people assholes
3:38 PM me: hahahaha
  "why people accuse others of what they are guilty of"
 Ugly: yes
 me: lol it's not even really google answering, just random dumb ppl on the nets
 Ugly: true
3:39 PM it's like matthew mark luke and john
  and those other buffoons in the OT
 me: hahaa
  the disciples?
 Ugly: the writers of the books of the old testamanet
3:40 PM me: oohh
  how is that related
 Ugly: cuz you said google is god
  but it's not google telling you
 me: ohh yeah haha
 Ugly: it's stupid net ppl
 me: yes, it's just dumb apostles interpreting the word of GOd
 Ugly: lol
  but it's the opposite
3:41 PM me: hahaha "those other buffoons"
 Ugly: cuz google is giving you access to what stupid ppl are saying
 me: yea, God is like, the vessel for confusing Apostolic messages
3:42 PM Ugly: lol
 me: Thanks be to Google!!
 Ugly: HalleGoogliah!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

De Marcha Por Europa

Javi: Wanna watch Madagascar 3?
Me: Nnno, I haven't even seen the first one.
Javi: Doesn't matter, they're in Europe now! 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Japanese Murder Mystery Dinner

Javi: (doing some dumb shit)
Me: You're soon gonna be a victim of a murder crime in Nippon 2.
Javi: Baha, Nippon 2.
Me: Teehee, yeah I wonder if there's a Nippon 1.
Javi: Murder attempt #1 at Nippon 2, and murder attempt #2 at Nippon 1.
Me: Noo, it's murder attempt #1 at Nippon 1, and murder attempt #2 at Nippon 2.
Javi: And where was I at the first murder attempt then?
Me: Well, just IMAGINE that it happened a week ago.
Javi: This is worse than a Murakami novel. 

Thou Shalt Not Be a Lesbian

Ugly:  omg so rsm asked if mark was out of office today
and i said yea
 me:  uh huh
 Ugly:  then she said
oh i figured since deb was out that he would be too
i said Oh?
me:  lol ooohh
 Ugly:  they take off together a lot?
she's like, yea.......
 me:  it´s an office affair
 Ugly:  it's official
 me:  a poorly covered one
 Ugly:  i was right!
i'm gonna bust outta the closet
me:  hahahaaaa
 Ugly:  you shall not be a lesbian is not one of the 10 commandments

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wait i don't get it. what's not to get?

Helene: blah!!!
i had coconut rice
and coconut curry
Allison: what else
Helene: and sau made some ribs
Allison: lol
damn feast!
Helene: haha
it was goooddd
well, i liked his sauce
i didn't care for the meat
thats what she said
Helene: who?
Allison: oh god
not this again
Helene: oh
Allison: lol
Helene: lololol

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I shoulda just copied the entire convo, etc.

.... (15 minutes into a heated debate)
me: yeah, but the original scrabble game tested your own knowledge of words
12:23 AM
you couldn't try CID, or SID, or TID in the same spot, because you know they aren't words

but in WWF you think one of them might be accepted

Ugly: but that's just the convenience and ease of an electronic game

me: because it might be in their weird dictionary
12:24 AM
Ugly: ultimately, winning the game is about strategy and not about word knowledge

me: but it's infuriating when someone wins with stupid words that you know they didn't know were words

Ugly: it's more of a strategy game in its electonic incarnation

me: it's about strategy AND word knowledge

Ugly: but that's how you play this game
12:25 AM
honestly often are you able to make words that are beyond standard vocabulary?

me: yes.

Ugly: *how often

me: it tests creativity, word knowledge, and strategy
12:26 AM
Ugly: yes

me: some ppl aren't good at this game because they are able to imagine what words could come out of a bunch of letters

they aren't able i mean

Ugly: but winning requires more strategy than word knowledge

cuz i know a lot of words, but i don't often win over ppl who play using strategy

me: right, and those are the ppl who plug the must
12:27 AM
and use words that aren't really words

Ugly: lol

so what?

me: they def. wouldn't win if you played a real scrabble game

cuz they wouldn't be able to put CID in there

Ugly: yes, i agree.

i guess i've just accepted it as a different game than scrabble

me: i'm just defending the integrity of the original scrabble game

Ugly: i realize.

me: lol
12:28 AM
Ugly: it's very noble.

me: hahah


you should challenge one of your competitors to a real game
12:29 AM
Ugly: that would be difficult

but yea

good idea.

i've basically thought of one comopetitor whom i can physicaly challenge in the same room

me: okay who

Ugly: kat

i see her often
12:30 AM
me: yeah, you should def. challenge her to a traditional game

and use the oxford english dictionary

Ugly: and when do u play wwf?

me: when i'm using your ipad

Ugly: i mean, you play wwf?

me: or your iphone


Ugly: btw, do u have my ipad?

me: lol what??


uh, no

did you lose it?
12:31 AM
Ugly: well, i dont think so

but i havent seen it in a while

me: why would i have your ipad


Ugly: cuz ya stole it

to a foreign country

me: btw, did you steal my ipad and take it spain with you

just, by the way

Ugly: right

me: lol

yes, that's how i play wwf

Ugly: lol
12:32 AM
me: lolol

"when do you play wwf?"

"when i'm using your ipad....which i stole"

Ugly: lol

me: how could you lose your ipad

Ugly: i didnt lose it

it's misplaced somewhere

i haven't even used it

me: lol, somewhere in the last 6 months that i was gone
12:33 AM
Ugly: yes

me: hmm


Ugly: very

me: lol

Ugly: i would be happy if you stole it at this point
12:34 AM
me: haha aww

that would be weird

Ugly: a little
12:35 AM
me: "it fell into my suitcase"

Ugly: haha

me: "didn't remember til now"


me: yeah, i shouldn't

i'm gonna die a spisnter


when i'm 35 i'll go to the sperm bank

Ugly: lol
12:53 AM
me: you can be the other mother

Ugly: hahaha

me: heh, or what that be kinda weird...

Ugly: *looks around

me: would

Ugly: ok.

me: lol you looked around?

Ugly: yea a little

me: you mean, the sarcastic look?

or you looked around the room
12:54 AM
Ugly: no it was the look with a shrug that says, sure whatever.

me: hahah

Ugly: comical because it's not the nonchalant reaction you should expect

me: not quite sure if i see it

Ugly: nevermind.
12:55 AM
me: but isn't that look nonchalant

Ugly: i'm explaining my own joke.

it is nonchalant.

it shouldn't be.

me: is it the

look around, mouth turned down, kinda resigned look?
12:56 AM
Ugly: lol


not resigned

me: like the rudy suggesting lunch kinda look

Ugly: it's the,

me: "well, uh, let's see, uhh...."

the heavy-lids, calm exasperated look


Ugly: i look up from reading an engrossing book because you asked me trivial question and now i'm going back to my book look
12:57 AM
me: lol, well depends on the question

Ugly: o_o

me: hahahaha

oh, oh is it

12:58 AM
Ugly: _

me: that?

Ugly: no

less expression

me: lol

Ugly: o_o

me: but that's the sleeping look

is it a bored look?

Ugly: yes


me: but it's really sarcastic exasperation?

Ugly: LOL



me: hahaahha

Ugly: i hate this conversation.

me: but that's how i see it

12:59 AM
when you have your bored look

it's really sarcastic exasperation

Ugly: lol

you know too much about me
1:00 AM
and yet so little

me: hahaha

what do you mean!

i don't know little about you
1:01 AM
it's the after you burp face

Ugly: lol

1:02 AM
me: am i right


Ugly: i dont have a face after i burp

you do though

me: yes, you do

and i'm sure it's the same as yours

Ugly: lol

me: you just don't know it

Ugly: well i've never seen it

me: yeah, that's normal

how is my after burp look?
1:03 AM
LOL "i don't have a face after i burp"

Ugly: lol

me: well how does mine look

is it bored?
1:04 AM
Ugly: it's just.....

i dunno

me: fat
1:05 AM
Ugly: it's grossness followed by slightly sheepish don't-give-a-fuck-eat-my-burp-ness
1:06 AM
me: pwahahaha

Ugly: you should video it and play it slow mo

me: well yours is the bored "i don't give a fuck" look

Ugly: lol
1:07 AM
well, that's the face i had

when you asked me to be "other mother"

me: lol you should've said then ::bored look::

instead of ::look around::
1:08 AM
Ugly: those were stage directions


that's just what happened

me: lol, so it's like bored look in combination with look up and then down again

or is it look back and forth

Ugly: and the

looking around to see if anyone else noticed the mundanity that i just experienced.
1:09 AM

me: lolol you mean with your own look?

or with my comment

Ugly: with your comment

me: haha why is that mundane!

that's not mundane at all.

Ugly: of your comment

i know!!!

it's irony!

or, just a comedic tactic
1:10 AM
me: okay, well you'll just have to show me this on video


me: le bye!

btw, i'm gonna copy part of this convo on cl

Ugly: hahaha

me: pwahah!

Ugly: ok

me: def. cl material.
2:17 AM
Ugly: lol

me: another existential convo

Ugly: the absurdity of our convo


"adventures in absurdism"

me: so absurd it's profound

there should be a section in cl called that

Ugly: "tumor twin adventures in absurdism


me: bahahha

profound adventures in absurdism

brought to you by the tumor twins

Ugly: lol

that's too long.
2:18 AM
me: that's gonna be the title


Ugly: but it's absurd

me: lolol

well, first, we talked about the rules of WWF for like 80% of this convo

and then about the "look around" stage directions

for like the other 20%
2:19 AM
or, more like 60 and 40

Ugly: no first you ambushed me and ranted about how you think 70% of the world is insane for being in relationships.

me: lol no not 70%

Ugly: you dont know that.
2:20 AM
me: okay fine

but that was after the WWF convo

which ended with an equally absurd "do you have my ipad" comment

Ugly: no it wasnt


2:21 AM
me: made even absurder with the btw preceding it

Ugly: hahahahahah

me: lolol

oh man

this is turning into like, the meta-absurd

Ugly: yes
2:22 AM
me: lolol

Ugly: wonderful

having an absurd conversation about our absurdity
2:23 AM
me: pahahahah

omg, dude, spanish ppl would never understand this.

or, any non-spanish ppl.


me: lmao! "70% of the world is insane for being in a relationship"

"no, not 70%"

"you don't know that"


that is absurd in itself

Ugly: lol


me: disagreeing over an arbitrary number

Ugly: lol
2:25 AM
an arbitrary number used to assert a bitter claim about relationships
2:26 AM
as if it were truth

me: hahah

i didn't say 70%!

Ugly: ok fine

me: i said everyone

you invented the arbitrary number

Ugly: i was making an abitrary paraphrasing of your bitter claim
2:27 AM
me: lolol

2:28 AM
okay, bed time

Ugly: ho boy

me: you should re-read this convo

Ugly: lol

oh i will


me: for a further study of the absurd
2:29 AM
Ugly: lol

me: bye!
13 minutes
2:42 AM
me: i am le back

Ugly: lol!!!!
2:43 AM
me: lol

is that absurd?

Ugly: i'm cl to see if you'd already excerpted our convo

me: hahaha

no not yet

Ugly: yes this IS absurd!!

me: i'll do it tomorrow

Ugly: because you are back.

for more.

me: i'm bored

Ugly: and i'm on cl trying to get more.
Ugly: to keep laughing about our laughing about ourselves

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Shanties, Cont'd

me: you don't just work those hours, you have to prepare outside of class, and you can't just forget about it and turn it off outside work hours
:( awww hubby
i mean, wifey

Gagan: HAHAH.
me: lol

Gagan: IIII have the vag, excuse me.

me: hahahaha

we both get to the pants! and have the vag, at the same time

i mean, get to wear the pants


Gagan: haha. i get to the pants.

Javi Thursday Headliners

::after breaking the mop by pushing the retractable handle down and not being able to pull it back up::

Javi: Goddammit! First I broke the mailbox key and now I'm mopping like a midget.


::pairing up a basketful of his socks, which are ALL black and ALL different

Javi: God, this job is like for preventing Alzheimer's.
Me: Bwahahaha! Like, a memory game?
Javi: Yes, remembering the sock you're holding.


More sock-pairing paranoia

Javi: Some of your socks are really similar, but aren't the same. Like these, they look exactly the same, but this one looks like it's for someone with elephantitis.

Me: They ARE the same pair. 

Bonus Points for First Try

The Sentence Guessing Game

(His mother was angry and shouted at him).

Me: So, this is the person who...who's always telling you to do your homework.
Carmen: ...mother? ::pout::
Me: Mehehe, yes. And usually, when she does this, she is?
Carmen: ...angry?
Me: Yes! And when she's angry, she?
Carmen: Shouts.

The Blood Oath

me: can't le wait
lol i was telling cynthia how you were like..." are plans"
"what plans"
"for coming home"
she was like, she wants you to sign a blood oath about coming back
i should draw up a contract! although, we made a contract too about mom and dad's vacation and in the end wound up taking all the money out of it lol

Ugly: uh yes
yes I do want a blood oath

me: hahahaa
okay fine i'll draw up a contract and post it on fb
put some beet juice on it

::oath has been drawn up and read::

Ugly: lol
awesome oath

me: haha

Ugly: so official!!

me: i just need to print it, put some beet juice on it, and take a picture

Ugly: yes

me: oaths are supposed to be official
k i'll do it tomorrow morning

Ugly: post it to a public place
like a pole

me: lol
aka, facebook

Ugly: that also makes it official
or a modern pole like fb

me: pwahahaha
yeah, i'm sure FB is more official than a pole in madrid

Ugly: lol


Ugly: I like the idea of it on a pole in Madrid and a picture of you with a random spaniard as witness to the bloody fingerprinting

Friday, January 20, 2012

No Speaky English

Cynthia: Tell her to come to Gabana with us!
Me: Hell no she wouldn't come. If she, all my English expression are leaving me!
Cynthia: Haha, I know right.
Me: If she had uh....not beef.....

after 2 minutes

Me: If she had...qualms! About coming to Serrano the last time, she definitely wouldn't come to Gabana.


Me: Did Shivom text you back yet?
Cynthia: Did you just say Shabom?

Thursday, January 5, 2012


::reading billboard::

Me: "Giant Mysterious Dinosaurs." They're always giant and mysterious. In every exhibit.
Ugly: Lol, right. If we knew them intimately, we... wouldn't be here.


Ugly: So, what do you wanna do about food?
Me: I wanna eat it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

When Bub Comes To Town

Watching a Chinese tv talk show

Ugly: Hey doesn't that look like Kim Jong-Il?
Me: Who? Oh yeah haha! Hey how come they're not showing close-ups of him?
Ugly: Cuz they don't want people to know he's really alive. He's like a stunt double, except the opposite...he wants to be someone else bwahaha. Oh, look, there he is again!
Me: Whaat? That was him?
Ugly: Yeah, just without glasses. He's always blurry and out of focus.


Coming home at 1 in the morning

Me: Hey look, you took off your shoes on my slippers lol.

1 minute later

Ugly: Ohh, haha that was what you were talking about.
Me: Mehehe, but except this was how they were before. ::moves boot an inch on the slipper::
Ugly: But..why did you have to move it? Wasn't it exactly like that like a minute ago?
Me: Lol, yeah, but it just didn't look as funny.
Ugly: But it was like in the same position!
Me: Why are we having this conversation.


Me: Do you wanna join our chopping championship?
Em: I would like to see you two on like ecstasy.