Friday, October 31, 2008

mabel: oh yeah i saw those pictures
megan: yeah, how gross did i look?
mabel: hahaha
don't remember
megan: iiiick
rhetorical question, you trashbag
mabel: LMAO

Monday, October 27, 2008

Mildred: yeah its been awhile since ive been studious
he still hasn't said anything?
me: nope
not a word
still waiting?
Mildred: maybe
me: i closed out his box
Mildred: lol
10:09 PM damn
cut throat
me: LOL
"Física o química?"
"Química o física?"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Anatomy lessons

mabel: "you pour blood in my heart. i can't get enough"
ugly: gurgle gurgle


ugly: did u check to see if the teeth chips had hair or fingnails?


mabel: you're supposed to be my tumor twin.
ugly: no i came first, YOU'RE the tumor twin

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Business as usual.

megan: eye cham vating for vork to be over
mabel: choo chi seee
chgargles hack hack
HAHA i just remember when we sang this song at our wedding.
megan: you know that was completely unintelligible, right?
mabel: HAHA
megan: nevermind, i thought you were talking about the "choo chi seee
chgargles hack hack" song
mabel: LOL
i was talkin' about RENT
megan: bhwhahahahah
mabel: hahahha
oh man that was quite the cackle
megan: yeah yeah i just got that
mabel: dude all my roommate EVER hears is me singing and cackling in my room
megan: you're telling me. i broke a rib trying to pack the horselaugh in
mabel: LOL
megan: business as usual, then
mabel: yep bwahaha
megan: sing sing sing cackle cackle cackle

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sex Lives of Songs

flo: omgomgomg
i love when songs cum

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mildred: No one ever thinks their own shit stinks.


Me: So, what happened next? You accidentally tripped and your face fell on his crotch?

Mabel, Florence, Mildred...

Mildred: What, do you go around collecting old people names?
mabel: i paid 9 euros last time
for pieces of sausage
no side dish or anything

megan: ...that's what she said.

mabel: HAHA
interesting but not delicious

megan: *see above


Sunday, October 12, 2008

"That was supposed to be silent."

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Julietta: Well, if they're not worthy, you just have to...take off your hair clip and eat grapes.


Learning the Australian accent:
"I like your nose. Call me on your phone, yeh?"


Lisa: So once we were in the States, and we were drinking Sunny D like it was going out of fashion.

(impersonating my cat George during the time that Koka was in heat)
Me (in British accent): I do not know what this means, but please get your buttocks out of my face...I can't see the food bowl.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Pronunthiathun ith the thtepping thtone to thuktheth."

mabel: okay, time for bed!
hasta luego!
or as the thpaniardth tend to thay,

megan: good thnighit

mabel: ta'lwegooooooooo

megan: hahahaha
sounds like a wolf in heat.

mabel: i like how you lisp even where there is no S
goodth thnighth

megan: ith not a lithp

mabel: ith sexthy

megan: ith the proper wayth to pronounth thingths

mabel: i mean
ith thexthy

megan: !!
thaths betterth

mabel: HAHA
"ith the proper wayth"

megan: go to bed(th)

mabel: yetthir

megan: thankths
thleep thoundly
Mabel: Hee hee hee huu huu huu ha haa haa hoo......

Clark: (after a moment of silence) Those were like all the vowels.


Mabel: Damn that was quick.
Clark: ....That's what she said.

(Hungry with heel-tortured feet)
Mabel: Okay, we'll just take any bus and get off wherever we see a McDonald's.

"Is that the golden arches??.........Oh, it's just the flag of Spain."

Monday, October 6, 2008


no chatting UP on my end!!
i promise~
i'm friendly!
i like it here

Class Notes

John (about Candice and her big water bag straw, in the middle of a lecture): Is that air you are getting?
Candice: Um, no, it's water.


Clark: People can get really intimate on the subway when they should probably leave that stuff at home.
John: Oh, yes, it has a lot to do with family.
Clark: Uh, that's not exactly what I meant.


The Davis pizza octuplets, the Lee grape bunchtuplets

Mabel: Our families keep growing!
Clark: And they keep getting more delicious.


John: Let's hear your sentence, Jeff.
Jeff: If I buy a new car, I will have car payments.


John: That is why they're always late in Spain, because they need time to pronounce the dipthongs.


Tita: If you do choose to have some extra relations with a student, just be discreet about it...."Algunos commentarios: I'm having an affair."

John: Haha, "Comment: I like that student a LOT."

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

mabel: i finally bought this big yellow fluffy bathrobe today
so warm and content
ugly: ooh... send pic of you in big yellow fluffy bathrobe
mabel: okay
ugly: and orange beak
mabel: HAHAHA