Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Pronunthiathun ith the thtepping thtone to thuktheth."

mabel: okay, time for bed!
hasta luego!
or as the thpaniardth tend to thay,

megan: good thnighit

mabel: ta'lwegooooooooo

megan: hahahaha
sounds like a wolf in heat.

mabel: i like how you lisp even where there is no S
goodth thnighth

megan: ith not a lithp

mabel: ith sexthy

megan: ith the proper wayth to pronounth thingths

mabel: i mean
ith thexthy

megan: !!
thaths betterth

mabel: HAHA
"ith the proper wayth"

megan: go to bed(th)

mabel: yetthir

megan: thankths
thleep thoundly

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