Monday, May 12, 2008

finals, part forever

"i'm gonna transport myself to hell so i can save my professors the trouble"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blogs and Postcards

Ugly: where you at?
me: at home
where you at
Ugly: home
me: lol
what a conversation


me: postcards from when we were young and carefree and knew not the horrors that awaited us
Ugly: LOL
12:12 AM me: LMAO
12:13 AM okay you make the blog
Ugly: ok den
i'll do that over the weekend
me: okay
Ugly: you think of the name
me: and the point of the blog is memory recovery
to defeat amnesia
Ugly: yes
to BATTLE amnesia
12:14 AM me: hahah yes
me: that too


Ugly: The Unamnesiac
i kinda like that
me: okay we'll name it that
12:20 AM and it's only US!
Ugly: yep
no other bloggers please


Ugly: awesome!
man, i never expected it to reach such a wide audience
Ugly: of 2 subscribers
June: But I don't wanna go to Morton Williams...I know it's right around the corner but I just don't feel like it.

Mabel: Come on, June, strength in numbers.

June:....Yeah, like in the kitchen, where we brought each other down. For like three hours.


"You didn't puke tonight, you have no excuse."


Flo: ok i'm leaving work and finishing my spanish homework
and then you call me when you get home
and then we run down like happy little elves to the heights


Megan: "Bitch goes to the Heights and gets drunk. Goes back to the Heights and gets more drunk."


Mabel: That guy over there singing is from Arlene's. Dude, these people like live for Monday night karaoke.

Flo: Yeah. He's bringing Arlene's to you.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thesis revisions

"Stepping from Amy Winehouse's beehive
into afternoon."

"Stepping from a dungeony cellar
into afternoon."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Maggie's recap:

We ate ice creams and watched Bub and (mostly) Nicole flirt with a couple of Albanian guys working at some take out window. Then we continued walking, around the block, all the way back to the same take out window, and repeated the scene, much to the Albanians' (and our) amusement.