Thursday, March 8, 2012

Javi Thursday Headliners

::after breaking the mop by pushing the retractable handle down and not being able to pull it back up::

Javi: Goddammit! First I broke the mailbox key and now I'm mopping like a midget.


::pairing up a basketful of his socks, which are ALL black and ALL different

Javi: God, this job is like for preventing Alzheimer's.
Me: Bwahahaha! Like, a memory game?
Javi: Yes, remembering the sock you're holding.


More sock-pairing paranoia

Javi: Some of your socks are really similar, but aren't the same. Like these, they look exactly the same, but this one looks like it's for someone with elephantitis.

Me: They ARE the same pair. 

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