Thursday, April 9, 2009

Semana Santa Trip

Gigantic ice cream cone saga

At the heladería

Javi: [watching the man put scoop after scoop of cappuccino flavored ice cream into the "grande" cone] O my god, she's not going to sleep for 3 days. And I'll remember you for this.

Walking while eating gigantic ice cream cones

Mabel: [Tripping over a curb]
Javi: Thank God I'm here to save your life.
Mabel: You saved my ice cream cone, thanks.
Javi: No, your life, because you would save your ice cream before you saved your life.

Still eating after having licked off half the entire scoop

Javi: Now this is like the size of a normal ice cream in Madrid.
Mabel: Haha, half an hour later.

Still later, on a bench, finally having reached the cone

Mabel: So how do you like the cone?
Javi: I hate it. [talking to ice cream, taking bites intermittently] Why are you still here? Just get out of my life already, go away and leave me alone.

Still later

Javi: Mmmm, I'm really liking this ice cream...
Mabel: Aren't you sick of it?
Javi: Of course I'm sick of it.

Finally finished

Javi: We're gonna see the ice cream man tomorrow and you'll say to him, [spastically] "Mmm, I loved that ice cream! So good! I want another! I had sex with my boyfriend like 20 times in the last three days! Got rid of him. Really good method, I think I'm going to write a book: 'First, go to San Jose in Almería and buy the grande size cappuccino ice cream...'"

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