Thursday, July 30, 2009

Elephants on a Plain

Yo: i love "what if i leave"
i think it may be one of my favorite songs ever
like ever

Flo: really?
i like it but i'm not sure if it's ultimate fav

Yo: it's definitely one of my favorite RY
Flo: yeah i remember you telling me that it reminds you of elephants on a plain

Yo: hahahahhaha
omg i forgot about that
yeah it does


Yo: hahaha omg doesn't "what if i leave" remind you of slow elephants on a plain?

Ugly: yes

Yo: YESSS!!!!!

Ugly: what if i leave... walking so slowly like this

Yo: like elephants on an african plain at sunset going to the watering hole right?

Ugly: would you walk faster and come after me?

Yo: hahaha

Ugly: would you grab my tail with your tender trunk?

Yo: hahah

Ugly: and tell me noooo, please dont go?

Yo: isn't it that image perfectly?

Ugly: i do love it

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