Saturday, April 5, 2008

Razors behind the Duane Reade counter

Mabel: Why do they need to put the razors behind the counter?
Flo: Yeah, what are people gonna do, break in and start shaving other people? "I'm gonna shave you!!"
Mabel: And why do they have movies back there too? "Yeah, uh, can I get 'The Bee Movie....'"
Flo:" "The what?"
Mabel: "The Bee Movie....the one between Beowulf and um, I am Legend...."
Flo: "Beowulf?" "No, the Bee Movie..." "The WHAT?" "THE BEE MOVIE!! THE BEE MOVIE!!! Goddammit, you had to make me say it!! Are you happy now??!"
Mabel: Then he goes behind the counter and starts shaving people.

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