Sunday, August 21, 2011

Hipsters, etc.

Youri: Yeah, the other day my friend was talkin about hipsters and I was like, what is a hipster? And he said, you know, I don't know how to explain, they're those people, they ride bikes....And I was like I ride bikes...Then he's like, and they wear shirts...and I'm like, I wear shirts.


Youri: You guys know any smoke tricks?
Mabel: Like, making rings?
Allison: Yeah how do they do that?
Mabel: Just like this ::makes smoke-ring-blowing motions::
Youri: ...that's what she said.


Allison: How would you even quote that on CL.
Mabel: I dunno, it's just one of those you-had-to-be-there moments, I guess.
Youri: You could definitely take a picture of it. Or you could even make a GIF, with two pictures.
Mabel: Oh, can you make GIFs?
Youri: I'm not that talented.

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