Sunday, September 7, 2008

Durians and More

Mabel: Yeah, I've never had durians before, they smell really bad. What does it taste like?
Allison: I dunno, it's kind of mushy but good. I can't believe you've never had it before! How can you call yourself Chinese?
Mabel: Is it like a staple?
Allison: It's like a fruit.
Mabel:.....Um, yeah I know.


(15 minutes into our aimless conversation about durians)
Mabel: Yeah I dunno man, the smell.
Allison: You don't like it?
Mabel: ...It smells pretty bad.

(stuck in traffic)
Mabel: Man, how the hell could anyone get into an accident at this rate?
Allison: Um, someone stops and another person keeps going.

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