Monday, September 8, 2008

McCain -- Get Out of My Uterus!

Mabel: and like..his anecdotes about being in the war are really moving
6:23 PM Flo: oh yeah i saw a cnn special about his time in hanoi
 Mabel: and like, you don't doubt that he has the country's well being at heart
 Flo: it was really moving
  right. exactly.
  he means well
 Mabel: yeah
  obama on the other hand is just hard to read
6:24 PM Flo: yeah he really is
6:25 PM obama just doesn't have that moving personal story
  to prove that he's for us
 Mabel: i can really see how ppl can really become attracted to the mccain/ palin ticket now
  cuz even palin has that moving personal story
 Flo: right
  i feel for them
  but i can't vote for them
6:26 PM i'd lose my uterus

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