Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Duck Wings

mabel: why don't you live closer to philly
maggie: how does that help u?
mabel: haha
i was thinking it would help YOU
then i could.....easily come and cook for you...
maggie: riiiiight
mom made me duck wings before i left
she put them in tupperware and i brought them home
mabel: aww
maggie: two containers
mabel: see, she's always good for leftover food
when, after x mas?
maggie: no she made it 'specially for me
mabel: aww cute
maggie: two diff flavors too
i had them in my carryon
mabel: hahaha
imagine if they searched you at security
"what's inside yer bag, ma'am"
maggie: and my bag was stalled in the xray machine for a while
mabel: "um, duck wings."
hahaha really
maggie: yea, the guy backed it up
and was looking at it
mabel: HAHA
maggie: for a good couple mins
mabel: he could probably see the duck wing bones
maggie: lol
i just finished eating them too
they were gooooood
mabel: really?
like just now?
not now but, recently?
maggie: yea
i froze'em
mabel: there were that many?
maggie: yea, there were like, probably feet and wings belonging to a dozen former ducks

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