Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gross mis-nomers

Mabel: [reading Judy's blogpost entitled "Oh, fat belly"]

I'm so eager to see you again
but I wouldn't ask to see you not because I'm proud.
In fact, in front of you I cede all my pride
yet only if you asked to see me our meeting would be meaningful to me.

Judy: It's a poem by Simone de Beauvoir.

Mabel: Ah, okay. It's beautiful. And it's called "Oh fat belly?"

[Horse laughter]


At the rent office, on account of my windows which don't close, even when taped shut and barred with a chair.

Judy: Man you paid 80 euros more than me this month.
Mabel: Yeah, it sucks.
Judy: I guess cuz you have a bigger room. And colder.
Mabel: Extra money for a nice draft!


Frenetic, uptight tourism

Judy: "Okay! Page 5 of the guidebook! This is it this is it!! Okay, picture time now! Let's go let's go! Okay, 5 minutes to buy souvenirs!"

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